Part 2 - Patient Similarity Networks (PSNs)#

Table of Contents#

Part 2.

  1. Patient Similarity Network Construction

  2. DNA Methylation Network Analysis

# standard libraries
import os
import pickle

# scientific and data manipulation libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation
import mygene
import astropy

# graph and network libraries
import networkx as nx

# visualization libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display

import warnings

# import custom functions from the previous notebook
import sys
sys.path.insert(0 , '/tutorial/')
from functions import *

10. Patient Similarity Network (PSN)#

  • Based on the same expression matrix we can create a patient similarity network.

  • Transposing the matrix will switch the rows and columns,

  • meaning that patients will become the columns instead of genes

  • By doing this, you can compute the correlation (or similarity) between patients based on their gene expression profiles,

  • and then create a network where nodes represent patients and edges represent similarities.

# main data directories for the project

raw_data_dir = '/data/raw'
intermediate_data_dir = '/data/intermediate'
# read in os.path.join(intermediate_data_dir,"expression_data_filtered.csv")
df_renamed = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(intermediate_data_dir,
                YOUR CODE HERE

We will now transpose the df_renamed df so that the rows represent the genes and the columns represent the patients.
Let's call the transposed df patient_gene_matrix.


patient_gene_matrix = df_renamed.T
TCGA-38-7271 TCGA-55-7914 TCGA-95-7043 TCGA-73-4658 TCGA-86-8076 TCGA-55-7726 TCGA-44-6147 TCGA-50-5932 TCGA-44-2661 TCGA-86-7954 ... TCGA-97-A4M7 TCGA-62-A46R TCGA-50-5055 TCGA-38-4628 TCGA-86-7713 TCGA-86-8073 TCGA-MN-A4N4 TCGA-53-7626 TCGA-44-A47G TCGA-55-6969
A2M 17.7492 14.8513 14.1691 16.7238 15.6783 14.7566 16.4368 15.5476 15.5478 15.1337 ... 15.9553 13.9511 16.3097 14.3934 15.8254 16.3773 14.9411 16.7343 15.6622 14.8136
A2ML1 4.4411 4.4530 4.5026 3.1704 4.7422 6.0918 4.0602 3.0827 3.4608 3.6367 ... 4.7076 2.4821 8.0810 3.3415 5.3379 4.0817 6.7210 5.2575 3.7345 4.3058
A4GALT 10.1862 8.9312 9.0834 9.1443 9.5150 11.4452 9.1462 7.3597 9.1602 8.9344 ... 9.1019 8.6653 10.8837 8.6304 9.3827 9.4234 11.9107 9.5379 9.8660 9.7702
AACSP1 3.5845 3.6762 3.8623 2.4821 3.2271 2.4821 5.6614 3.0827 3.9428 4.7089 ... 5.4947 3.0956 2.4821 3.7710 2.9397 6.6519 8.8283 2.4821 4.1045 6.8425
AADAC 9.6415 6.5685 5.5634 4.3206 7.2321 6.8821 8.1176 4.7935 11.7750 7.0644 ... 9.0856 3.8162 5.6471 4.6785 4.6578 6.7641 3.4947 5.7120 6.2214 5.2016
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ZSCAN23 5.7385 4.3796 5.6728 3.6533 5.0478 6.0489 5.8058 3.7897 4.3451 5.5259 ... 4.7076 2.4821 4.6683 3.4697 4.3516 7.2074 6.9167 6.0927 5.3854 3.6792
ZSCAN31 9.0817 10.9565 10.8095 8.9874 9.5810 9.0185 10.2085 9.8803 11.0327 10.2707 ... 9.2033 10.5020 8.8073 9.8672 10.6419 10.2410 9.4672 10.0507 7.4843 8.5268
ZSCAN4 3.2709 3.0918 2.4821 3.4468 3.0118 5.0894 5.5341 3.5082 5.4987 3.3645 ... 4.4088 7.4937 4.3167 5.0907 6.7676 5.1126 3.3143 4.2816 4.4650 2.4821
ZWINT 9.2615 10.1334 10.9149 9.7828 8.6640 11.1212 9.0718 10.7305 9.0013 10.4268 ... 9.7614 10.7593 9.7087 10.4729 10.9794 10.1390 10.0583 9.4627 9.5817 10.8228
ZYG11A 4.0073 8.3219 6.7593 3.4468 4.7844 5.0894 9.4014 4.7935 4.2748 7.1709 ... 6.5412 7.1933 5.8778 7.3822 8.7596 8.2478 8.4566 7.4014 4.6804 8.6068

5338 rows × 498 columns

                YOUR CODE HERE

We will now calculate the correlation matrix for the patient_gene_matrix using the Pearson correlation method.
Store the correlation matrix in a dictionary called patient_correlation_matrices with the key 'pearson'.
We don't have to do it, however if you want to calculate the correlation matrix using other methods,
you can do so and store them in the dictionary as well.


# Dictionary to store different correlation matrices
patient_correlation_matrices = {}

# Pearson correlation
patient_correlation_matrices['pearson'] = patient_gene_matrix.corr(method='pearson')
                YOUR CODE HERE

Create a graph from the correlation matrix using the create_graph_from_correlation function.
Set the threshold to 0.8.
Store the graph in a variable called patient_pearson_graph.


patient_pearson_graph = create_graph_from_correlation(patient_correlation_matrices['pearson'], threshold=0.8)
                YOUR CODE HERE

Visualie the graph using the visualise_graph function.
Use appropriate title for the graph as the second argument.

visualise_graph(patient_pearson_graph, title='Pearson Correlation Network (Threshold = 0.8)')
                YOUR CODE HERE

Now use clean_graph function to clean the graph called patient_pearson_graph_pruned.
Consider the following parameters:
- degree_threshold
- keep_largest_component

patient_pearson_graph_pruned = clean_graph(patient_pearson_graph,
                YOUR CODE HERE

Visualie the pruned graph using the visualise_graph function.
Use appropriate title for the graph as the second argument.


                title='Pearson Patient Correlation Network (Threshold = 0.8)')
                YOUR CODE HERE

 Now do some sparsification of the graph using knn_sparsification function,
 call it patient_pearson_graph_pruned_knn.
 Set the k value to 10.               


patient_pearson_graph_pruned_knn = knn_sparsification(patient_pearson_graph_pruned, k=10)
                YOUR CODE HERE

Let's see some information about the graph using the print_graph_info function.
First, print the information about the patient_pearson_graph_pruned graph.
Use print("------------------------------------"), as a devide between the two graphs.
Then, print the information about the patient_pearson_graph_pruned_knn graph.            


Number of nodes: 434
Number of edges: 10373
Sample nodes: ['TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-55-7914', 'TCGA-73-4658', 'TCGA-86-8076', 'TCGA-55-7726', 'TCGA-44-6147', 'TCGA-50-5932', 'TCGA-44-2661', 'TCGA-86-7954', 'TCGA-73-4662']
Sample edges: [('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-73-4658', {'weight': 0.8696511707884843}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-86-8076', {'weight': 0.8173779911639248}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-44-2661', {'weight': 0.8652686243802332}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-73-4662', {'weight': 0.8446135021161085}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-55-6986', {'weight': 0.833876175940164}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-49-6744', {'weight': 0.8919809060862212}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-69-7763', {'weight': 0.8374050473870502}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-44-6774', {'weight': 0.802120255633156}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-67-3774', {'weight': 0.8179727328277505}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-97-A4M2', {'weight': 0.8045412817214057})]
Graph type: undirected
No self-loops in the graph.
Graph density: 0.11039686678515555
Number of connected components: 1
Average clustering coefficient: 0.6049320008124544
Number of nodes: 434
Number of edges: 2956
Sample nodes: ['TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-55-7914', 'TCGA-73-4658', 'TCGA-86-8076', 'TCGA-55-7726', 'TCGA-44-6147', 'TCGA-50-5932', 'TCGA-44-2661', 'TCGA-86-7954', 'TCGA-73-4662']
Sample edges: [('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-53-7626', {'weight': 0.8932510135537189}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-49-6744', {'weight': 0.8919809060862212}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-78-8648', {'weight': 0.8857601471754217}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-86-8671', {'weight': 0.8825367028721114}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-50-5941', {'weight': 0.8814255405956031}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-55-7574', {'weight': 0.8799541588637929}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-97-7553', {'weight': 0.8775024097687647}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-50-5055', {'weight': 0.8726819735362153}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-50-5045', {'weight': 0.8723464616125998}), ('TCGA-38-7271', 'TCGA-73-4658', {'weight': 0.8696511707884843})]
Graph type: undirected
No self-loops in the graph.
Graph density: 0.03145986100616213
Number of connected components: 1
Average clustering coefficient: 0.3799854027043237
visualise_graph(patient_pearson_graph_pruned_knn, title='K-Nearest Neighbors (k=10) Patient Correlation Network')

11. DNA methylation PSN#

In the second task, we are preparing an additional network for the same patients, this time based on DNA methylation data.

# Load the data using pickle from the ISMB_TCGA_DNAm.pkl file
with open(os.path.join(raw_data_dir,"ISMB_TCGA_DNAm.pkl") , 'rb') as file : 
    data = pd.read_pickle(file)

# Extract the methylation data from the dictionary similar to the previous data
meth_data = data["datExpr"]
cg23057992 cg16602369 cg20545544 cg04571941 cg23091104 cg11738485 cg17735539 cg12662576 cg10554839 cg08866780 ... cg04339424 cg01318691 cg27068965 cg23028848 cg21122529 cg22254072 cg10237911 cg09874052 cg27624178 cg02857943
TCGA-55-7914 0.039144 0.078881 0.032201 0.098520 0.971626 0.020020 0.929670 0.033325 0.043767 0.028051 ... 0.053027 0.046047 0.951328 0.045767 0.048185 0.014262 0.034541 0.034967 0.041538 0.053116
TCGA-38-4631 0.954805 0.047287 0.027976 0.925794 0.144636 0.365842 0.156414 0.027917 0.047609 0.049901 ... 0.048398 0.047221 0.939891 0.056141 0.047459 0.014548 0.056591 0.039086 0.044946 0.055473
TCGA-73-4658 0.966071 0.126549 0.030316 0.945166 0.976080 0.975638 0.942018 0.066659 0.052100 0.047054 ... 0.040815 0.042040 0.951235 0.045477 0.074037 0.019053 0.029978 0.039345 0.060650 0.041385
TCGA-50-5932 0.965140 0.061194 0.935457 0.923421 0.965443 0.027598 0.040885 0.036178 0.045745 0.046439 ... 0.057840 0.045106 0.948255 0.044558 0.039484 0.013837 0.037048 0.032503 0.058576 0.037666
TCGA-55-7576 0.958612 0.071607 0.027077 0.940574 0.976870 0.785073 0.953674 0.945107 0.056088 0.955472 ... 0.046921 0.051442 0.954000 0.034352 0.031497 0.014924 0.035520 0.043547 0.056388 0.052208
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TCGA-50-8457 0.960316 0.940219 0.046927 0.942980 0.977751 0.633731 0.940723 0.053398 0.059292 0.968875 ... 0.047640 0.062680 0.954824 0.043137 0.048599 0.014066 0.031109 0.039247 0.035110 0.054273
TCGA-91-6840 0.964250 0.921250 0.957943 0.958416 0.981439 0.278432 0.968525 0.032143 0.083996 0.037912 ... 0.045197 0.066271 0.963420 0.047621 0.060854 0.015823 0.045674 0.040006 0.052008 0.040826
TCGA-86-8280 0.948855 0.942925 0.958506 0.945667 0.970511 0.544447 0.921924 0.939427 0.082121 0.045036 ... 0.062367 0.058898 0.954355 0.045702 0.048930 0.019321 0.039341 0.036627 0.054269 0.056795
TCGA-95-A4VK 0.037255 0.050940 0.036565 0.098237 0.976780 0.683394 0.960073 0.025232 0.062487 0.026908 ... 0.056248 0.053591 0.947020 0.035344 0.057783 0.010943 0.051868 0.035566 0.044910 0.042269
TCGA-55-6969 0.945954 0.068404 0.923325 0.930684 0.962295 0.037952 0.153943 0.033980 0.056811 0.050211 ... 0.048765 0.061228 0.930596 0.056050 0.061802 0.017861 0.044229 0.054682 0.045090 0.064186

459 rows × 300000 columns

# load the data from the pickle file ISMB_TCGA_GE.pkl and call it GE_data
with open(os.path.join(raw_data_dir,"ISMB_TCGA_GE.pkl"), 'rb') as file:
    GE_data = pickle.load(file)
# A reminder about the structure of the GE_data, we can get a list of the patients using the following code

We don’t want to include all CpG sites in our analysis, so we are using dataset from the EWAS Catalog that contains smoking related CpG sites.

smoking_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(raw_data_dir,"smoking.tsv"),
author consortium pmid date trait efo analysis source outcome exposure ... chrpos chr pos gene type beta se p details study_id
0 Sikdar S CHARGE 31536415 2019-09-19 Smoking EFO_0009115, EFO_0006527, EFO_0004318 random effects meta-analysis Table S2 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr2:233284934 2 233284934 - Island -0.08545 0.00131 0.000000 NaN 31536415_Sikdar-S_smoking_random_effects_meta-...
1 Sikdar S CHARGE 31536415 2019-09-19 Smoking EFO_0009115, EFO_0006527, EFO_0004318 random effects meta-analysis Table S2 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr19:17000585 19 17000585 F2RL3 North shore -0.07233 0.00129 0.000000 NaN 31536415_Sikdar-S_smoking_random_effects_meta-...
2 Sikdar S CHARGE 31536415 2019-09-19 Smoking EFO_0009115, EFO_0006527, EFO_0004318 random effects meta-analysis Table S2 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr5:373378 5 373378 AHRR North shore -0.03138 0.00078 0.000000 NaN 31536415_Sikdar-S_smoking_random_effects_meta-...
3 Sikdar S CHARGE 31536415 2019-09-19 Smoking EFO_0009115, EFO_0006527, EFO_0004318 random effects meta-analysis Table S2 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr2:233284402 2 233284402 - Island -0.07381 0.00132 0.000000 NaN 31536415_Sikdar-S_smoking_random_effects_meta-...
4 Sikdar S CHARGE 31536415 2019-09-19 Smoking EFO_0009115, EFO_0006527, EFO_0004318 random effects meta-analysis Table S2 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr6:30720080 6 30720080 - Open sea -0.08558 0.00159 0.000000 NaN 31536415_Sikdar-S_smoking_random_effects_meta-...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
40124 Domingo-Relloso A Strong Heart Study 32484362 2020-06-02 Smoking EFO_0004318, EFO_0005671, EFO_0006527 Former vs never Table S3 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr6:32118295 6 32118295 PRRT1 Island -0.05100 0.01310 0.000099 NaN 32484362_Domingo-Relloso-A_smoking_former_vs_n...
40125 Domingo-Relloso A Strong Heart Study 32484362 2020-06-02 Smoking EFO_0004318, EFO_0005671, EFO_0006527 Former vs never Table S3 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr1:75599645 1 75599645 LHX8 North shore -0.07300 0.01880 0.000099 NaN 32484362_Domingo-Relloso-A_smoking_former_vs_n...
40126 Domingo-Relloso A Strong Heart Study 32484362 2020-06-02 Smoking EFO_0004318, EFO_0005671, EFO_0006526 Pack years Table S4 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr6:25992047 6 25992047 - North shore 0.00268 0.00070 0.000099 NaN 32484362_Domingo-Relloso-A_smoking_pack_years
40127 Domingo-Relloso A Strong Heart Study 32484362 2020-06-02 Smoking EFO_0004318, EFO_0005671, EFO_0006526 Pack years Table S4 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr10:33421027 10 33421027 - Open sea 0.00112 0.00030 0.000099 NaN 32484362_Domingo-Relloso-A_smoking_pack_years
40128 Domingo-Relloso A Strong Heart Study 32484362 2020-06-02 Smoking EFO_0004318, EFO_0005671, EFO_0006526 Pack years Table S4 DNA methylation Smoking ... chr15:41895799 15 41895799 - Open sea 0.00109 0.00030 0.000099 NaN 32484362_Domingo-Relloso-A_smoking_pack_years

40129 rows × 31 columns

                YOUR CODE HERE
1. Identify CpG sites that are commonly annotated in the smoking dataset
2. Filter the DNA methylation data to include only the common CpG sites identified in the previous step
3. Identify patients that are present in both the gene expression dataset and the methylation dataset
4. Filter the methylation data to include only the common patients and common CpG sites
5. Transpose the filtered methylation data matrix

# Step 1: Count the occurrences of each unique value in the 'cpg' column using value_counts
cpg_counts = smoking_df['cpg'].value_counts()

# Step 2: Filter the counts to keep only those greater than 10
filtered_cpg_counts = cpg_counts[cpg_counts > 10]

# Step 3: Get the index of the filtered counts and convert it to a list
common_annotated_cpgs = filtered_cpg_counts.index.tolist()

# Step 4: Identify common CpG sites between the annotated list and the methylation dataset
cpgs = set(common_annotated_cpgs) & set(meth_data.columns)

# Step 5: Convert the cpgs set to a list
cpgs = list(cpgs)

# Step 6: Identify common patients between the gene expression and methylation datasets
# remember how to get the list of patients from dataset and to convert it to a list
common_patients = list(set(GE_data["datMeta"]["patient"].to_list()) & set(meth_data.index))

# Step 7: Filter the methylation data to include only the common patients and common CpG sites
meth_data_filt = meth_data.loc[common_patients, cpgs]

# Step 8: Transpose the filtered methylation data matrix and call it patient_meth_matrix
patient_meth_matrix = meth_data_filt.T
# let's inspect the patient_meth_matrix that we have created
TCGA-75-6205 TCGA-97-7941 TCGA-97-7547 TCGA-95-7567 TCGA-95-7944 TCGA-69-7979 TCGA-55-7913 TCGA-55-8206 TCGA-55-6986 TCGA-64-5779 ... TCGA-91-8497 TCGA-MP-A4TC TCGA-J2-8194 TCGA-75-7030 TCGA-50-5942 TCGA-86-7954 TCGA-78-7145 TCGA-62-A46R TCGA-L9-A7SV TCGA-86-8279
cg01731783 0.497444 0.396698 0.396081 0.403062 0.498713 0.411565 0.524197 0.400507 0.417326 0.518443 ... 0.446258 0.568588 0.437242 0.452883 0.327272 0.467690 0.311361 0.421168 0.481429 0.429422
cg25949550 0.317716 0.140767 0.200784 0.483062 0.149553 0.259965 0.110951 0.144628 0.415628 0.165865 ... 0.200756 0.206802 0.227245 0.205266 0.231608 0.159593 0.193704 0.331710 0.147767 0.137870
cg18316974 0.843950 0.579421 0.750254 0.879412 0.626643 0.192301 0.651054 0.810144 0.696567 0.545015 ... 0.497423 0.680952 0.433783 0.515681 0.626869 0.515729 0.903988 0.860906 0.725199 0.371918
cg17372101 0.391085 0.602731 0.729051 0.349166 0.423132 0.378651 0.326185 0.575440 0.607495 0.251461 ... 0.571380 0.254356 0.269948 0.499414 0.516246 0.357175 0.171478 0.269681 0.134351 0.192490
cg18146737 0.650549 0.442971 0.438343 0.735122 0.543430 0.184128 0.498125 0.386880 0.554262 0.494514 ... 0.407518 0.578550 0.345746 0.446022 0.401742 0.427868 0.415197 0.753086 0.364550 0.419654
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
cg12803068 0.820755 0.664510 0.890526 0.899519 0.858862 0.817286 0.699223 0.796747 0.589624 0.692833 ... 0.690219 0.766702 0.676125 0.582260 0.755870 0.683585 0.901678 0.796409 0.748843 0.822947
cg01207684 0.508975 0.187581 0.124399 0.299321 0.538336 0.128008 0.331944 0.184965 0.290967 0.246457 ... 0.251051 0.352854 0.128596 0.280396 0.163345 0.287115 0.113246 0.338427 0.101977 0.099196
cg25305703 0.750465 0.858270 0.358668 0.315991 0.804947 0.682358 0.732886 0.861646 0.820864 0.488925 ... 0.861702 0.685447 0.810510 0.811707 0.907132 0.818094 0.597665 0.818712 0.111031 0.356221
cg14580211 0.852855 0.760703 0.877694 0.837730 0.819975 0.874536 0.639945 0.844139 0.851723 0.789981 ... 0.845984 0.648610 0.715354 0.746873 0.822599 0.887925 0.913990 0.834070 0.940591 0.797121
cg18446336 0.659491 0.637922 0.815690 0.795733 0.763106 0.813799 0.723343 0.828749 0.682581 0.751079 ... 0.749783 0.687554 0.643351 0.789296 0.756348 0.712804 0.820558 0.760244 0.842471 0.862028

112 rows × 442 columns

We can finish our network following the previous steps using the functions we have created.

# Dictionary to store different correlation matrices
p_meth_correlation_matrices = {}

# Pearson correlation
p_meth_correlation_matrices['pearson'] = patient_meth_matrix.corr(method='pearson')

p_meth_pearson_graph = create_graph_from_correlation(p_meth_correlation_matrices['pearson'], threshold=0.8)
# Clean the graph by removing unconnected nodes
p_meth_pearson_graph_pruned = clean_graph(p_meth_pearson_graph,

visualise_graph(p_meth_pearson_graph_pruned, title='Pearson Correlation Network (Threshold = 0.8)')
# sparseify the graph using knn_sparsification or any other method
p_meth_pearson_graph_pruned_knn = knn_sparsification(p_meth_pearson_graph_pruned, k=10)
# visualise the graph using the visualise_graph function
visualise_graph(p_meth_pearson_graph_pruned_knn, title='Pearson Correlation Network (Threshold = 0.8)')